We love giving back. And it is important to us.

So we volunteer and we foster.....

We volunteer at Michigan Animal Rescue League, www.marleague.org, where we work with the dogs at the shelter and also we are very much involved with Happy Paws Haven, https://happypawshaven.pet a foster based rescue organization, that does an amazing job rescuing dogs and cats. 

Please consider adopting!!! There are so many great animals at the shelters waiting to be adopted! Please adopt!

We raise awareness......

We are raising awareness the " Fostering saves rescue pets!". The shelters are full, overcrowded. Happy and healthy dogs are getting euthanized because there is no room for them at the shelter. Please consider fostering or adopting! It will definitely save their lives!

We donate and get involved....

Proceeds of our commissions go to these organizations, because we believe in their cause and because we love animals. We are working on organizing adoption, and free spay and neuter events, to stop this problem of having overcrowded animal shelters. We believe that spaying and neutering our pets help significantly reduce the number of animal overpopulation.

We are also helping our senior community, by visiting senior/ nursing homes, and bringing stuffed animals to the residents there through Katie's Ark, a non profit organization, dedicated to bringing comfort to residents to senior homes. visit www.katiesark.org for more info.


Please adopt!

 "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."